Few topics are more pressing or essential than corporate responsibility and sustainability. Corporations work steadfastly to improve sustainability efforts, from supplying customers with longer-lasting products to ensuring that environmental waste doesn’t pile under their steps.
Alejandro Pena is the CEO of Keter Group and one of the more influential figures currently operating in the sphere of sustainability and ESG reports. Under the guidance of Pena since 2017, Keter Group has made its efforts at sustainability a cornerstone of what drives it forward.
Let’s explore corporate responsibility and the importance of sustainability efforts at Keter.
Staying a Step Ahead
Keter Group has been around for almost a century, and along the way, the Israeli-founded manufacturer of resin-based goods has made a name for itself. Keter Group has been an innovator in the home decor and supply industry, specializing in sustainable products that are as good-looking as they are long-lasting.
Since taking over the company as CEO in 2017, Alejandro Pena has been pivotal in ushering in Keter’s new era of corporate responsibility and sustainability. Pena says of his transition into the CEO role, “When I became CEO of the company, it was evident to me that we were not just a company with a purpose of creating value for our shareholders, but a company that has multiple stakeholders and mulposes.”
Pena emphasized, “One of our responsibilities is not just to our shareholders, but to the communities that we are in and to the environment and world that we live in.”
Of course, Pena wasn’t just talking about the role of corporate sustainability but also about the direct impact it can have on the people they serve. Pena added, “Not only because it is the right thing to do, but because I also believe that it will be a source of competitive advantage over the long term.”
According to a report published a few years ago, first detailed by First Insight and the Baker Retailing Center, consumers were willing to spend more money on products they believed to have been produced sustainably. According to the study, more than 34% of Generation X shoppers were ready to spend over 10% on a product if it meant that it was produced sustainably.
Keter Group Makes a Pledge With Sustainability Report
Pena and his team at Keter Group are emphasizing the importance of the Keter Everyday Sustainability Pledge to continue pushing the envelope further. The pledge by Keter would detail the company’s goal of creating environmentally friendly products while driving efficiencies throughout operations.
Pena said of the pledge, “I think it gives our employees something to be very proud of. They know that they are working for a company that cares.”
As the global industry continues to navigate away from petroleum solutions, Pena believes that Keter can lead in the wake of what is left behind. Pena says, “We take it seriously because we commit to be good stewards of the environment and good citizens to the communities we work in.