The music business is a serious industry, but it tends to attract people who are passionate about music. They love making it, listening to it, experiencing it, etc. Evan Rubinson is one such passionate person who has become an important part of the industry. As the founder of Evan Rubinson Audio, known as ERA, he has become a big name in the music business. While he was once enveloped in the financial industry, he changed industries while still keeping his positions in finance.
He had worked for years in the finance industry and had a degree in the field. But, unexpectedly after a death in the family, he was offered an important role in the music industry. This presented him with a learning curve to enter the music business, but he soon thrived in his roles. He now runs companies both in the finance and music industries, and he still manages to mentor and give advice to those who want to go into business and find success as he has.
Passion for Music
He recommends that those who are interested in going into the music business have a serious passion for it instead of only a financial interest. He said that those with this passion have a real chance of becoming successful in the industry. Evan Rubinson’s father had been the owner of Armadillo Industries, a company that made musical instruments. When he was terminally ill, Evan stepped forward to run the company and the brands that it owned. He then brought all of the brands together under a company he founded called ERA Music Brands and has been growing this business.
In his childhood, he had spent a lot of time emersed in the music industry, and he was highly comfortable on the music scene. As he worked with his instrument brands, he found that his years of experience in the industry as a child helped him to run a business within it. He had been attending live music performances since he was as young as five years old. This had taught him about how the scene works. This allowed him to get right to work in his new career and to create a successful company. For those who want to get into the music business, he recommends this type of immersion so that they truly learn how it works.
Music Business Networking
The music industry has a lot of people that make it run and that are involved in various aspects of it. He says that to succeed in this business, you have to create relationships not just with the musicians but with a number of other important players. That includes people from music publications as well as instrument dealers. Evan Rubinson recommends a lot of networking to get those relationships started. To be successful in the business, you need a lot of skills that allow you to connect and communicate with a wide range of people. He believes that everyone in the music business should be networking regularly to create important relationships. Know more about Evan Rubinson on